Friday, October 9, 2015

Topic 2

1. What topic are you reading about? Air Pollution
2. What  is the source citation? "Air Pollution." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.
3. Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences. Air pollution is changing the climate and needs to be stopped before permanent damage is done. Outdoor air pollution has already lead to the deaths of 3.7 million people.
4. List two to four specific details that support the central idea. By smoking cigarettes people pollute the air as well as by using cooking devices.
Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea. Why hasn't air pollution stopped till this day?; Why can't we stop companies from destroying the environment?
6. Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand. Asbestosis
7. Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?) I've never quite fully understood what asbetosis was and why it was so harmful.
8. Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down. 
9. Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion. Whats worth more the economy or the environment?

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